Business Feature | Fashion Blogger Dione Bledsoe
Session Details
Location: Tiffany & Co.
Time of Day: Evening
Assistant: No
Light Source: Available Light
Dione Bledsoe, The Fit
Location: Tiffany & Co.
Time of Day: Evening
Assistant: No
Light Source: Available Light
Dione Bledsoe, The Fit
Location: Job Site
Time of Day: Afternoon
Assistant: No
Light Source: Sunlight
Description: Soil sampling of oil tank contamination
About: Licensed, bonded and experienced, EcoTech provides affordable testing and solutions to environmental concerns effecting homes, buildings and property. EcoTech provides quality services quickly, helping to ensure that inspection and property transaction schedules are met. EcoTech locates tanks and provides accurate soil sampling, decommissioning and cleanup services at affordable prices, with minimal impact to yards and gardens. EcoTech is licensed by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to provide all oil tank related services.
Location: Powell’s Books, Broadway Bridge, East Esplanade Waterfront
Time of Day: Evening
Assistant: Yes
Light Source: Sunlight
Lieve Maas, Graphic Designer
Bright Light Graphics
1. Work With Me
2. About
Location: The Pole Palace
Time of Day: Afternoon
Assistant: No
Light Source: Strobe
Melissa Hine, Owner/Operator/Instructor
The Pole Palace